Friday, March 15, 2013

Photos: Why I dont take my own

Im going to start by saying: I like to think I can take pictures. But, really I'm lying to myself. Taking pictures is cool, and in the Vancouver area its the "Hypster" thing to do. Especially in the circles I run in. I'm pretty sure I have 10+ friends who are "professional" photographers. Not to say that they aren't good. Some of my closest friends are really good. I think they are at least. 

My profile picture is me holding a camera, because that cool and trendy. I didn't take the picture, so how do you know I'm a photographer. Sneaky I know.

There are times when I want to be a photographer. Not semi-professionally, I just want to take nice pictures of my life. I got a decent camera for Christmas one year. Its not amazing, but its not a point and shoot. Some times Ill take pictures, then other times, I just want to enjoy the moment. 

I am currently not in a photographer phase. I got engaged on an amazing date in Victoria  BC a few months ago. It was a beautiful day, and I brought my heavy camera around with me everywhere. I didn't take even one picture. 

In the end, weather I like taking pictures or not, does not make my pictures any good. I am a crafter, that doesn't mean that I'm good at all things artistic. I like to create things, but technology generally is not the easiest for me.

In short, I'm writing this blog today to say thanks to my brother. He, so far, has taken almost all of my pictures. He likes it, and is pretty good. He is not a professional, but really enjoys taking pictures, has so talent, has a really nice camera. These are some other random cool photos taken by +David Chung:

Photo credit: David Chung

Photo credit: David Chung

Photo credit: David Chung

Photo credit: David Chung

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